
Reasons Why we Need Our Quiet Time

June 27, 2012

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6  NIV

1.   It Helps Us to be Godly Women

            Proverbs12:4, I Timothy 6:18

2.   Prayer and Worship Open the Door for Blessings

Deuteronomy 11:26-27

3.   We Want to Understand God’s Will for Our Lives
            2 Timothy 2:15

4.   We Will Speak God’s Promises in All Situations
              Jeremiah 29:11

5.     The Word of God Builds Our Faith   
             Hebrews 11:6

6.   We Will Get a Clear Direction on What to Do
             Proverbs 3:6

7.   We Will Grow Spiritually
            John 12:46

8.   Facing Trials Will Not Faze Us
            Psalm 46:1

9.   Spiritual Transformation Will Take Place
            Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:17

      10.We Will Have Peace
             Psalm 37:37, John 16:33

There is power in the scriptures when we believe and have faith in God’s word.  When my spirit starts to get weak and listen to negatives, I speak life and encourage myself through the word of God. Through prayer, I build and strengthen my relationship with God.  I develop a closeness and intimacy with Him.  A peace infiltrates my spirit and I yield to God's way and purposes instead of my own agenda.

   We invest time into developing our relationships with husbands, family, and friends.  Why do we do this? It is because we want to make sure that those relationships are strong and have a solid foundation.  We are excited to spend time with those we care about and to learn what pleases them.  We cherish loved ones and spend the most time we can with them.  Go back and remember the first crush you had. You thought about that person every day. You wanted to spend time with that individual every waking moment.  If you were anything like me, you talked to that person for hours.  Sometimes I fell asleep on the phone as conversations carried into the early morning.  I remember being 15 years old and prouldly wearing my boyfriend's  Varsity football jacket.  It was a symbol letting everyone know we were a couple.  I was his girl. 

Well, when women spend time with God, learn his word, and his ways, we start to develop a relationship with Him.  Women start to know their purpose, they begin walking not by flesh, but by the spirit.  God's will becomes their will.  These women earnestly seek God with all their hearts.  People will know that they are Godly women not by a jacket or any outward adornment, but by their words and deeds.  The peace they have even in turmoil, strife, and tragedy is a sign that they belong to Jesus and are in a relationship with him.  They are overcomers through faith.

1 comment:

lena said...

This is so beautifully written! Thank you Allison for bringing such great perspective to the peace that flows from a life that abides in prayer.

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