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PublishAmerica is proud to announce the recent release of Allison J. Bundy Travis's new book: One More Wake Up: With Faith All Things Are Possible - Even Surviving the Loss of a Loved One!

Here's what the author says about the book: Noah felt like a complete failure! Not only did he constantly strike out, but his teammates on his baseball team have given up all hope in him. All his life, Noah's mother has supported and encouraged him. Now an accident has taken Noah's mother away and changed his life forever. Noah must decide if he is going to be defeated or if he will face his worst fears. Will Noah have the faith to put the past behind him?

We are offering you an opportunity to secure your personal copy of Allison J. Bundy Travis’s exceptional book today.  Please click here: http://www.publishamerica.net/product47156.html to secure your copy of the book*, then click Add to Cart. For an introductory discount of 20%, use this coupon code: Discount20.

Thank you for your interest in our author's wonderful achievement.

Have a great day!

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