
Christian Teens Speak Out

  August 11-12, 2012 at MId Hudson
Chinese Christian Church , 306 All Angels Road,
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
(845) 298-9345
What does it take to be a leader? by Lavinia

Matthew 20:28
28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
       I do believe I’m a leader…but not the cliché type. I often compromise and sacrifice things merely to increase harmony within the group. But I know the Lord loves those who do his work and serve his people. I know that I have to examine myself first, and really ask if I have the passion to take on a task.                                           
     This year, I volunteered to take the lead on our annual 30 Hour Famine, a fundraising event hosted for World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to ending world hunger. For a week or two I was passionate and excited, and I thought of fundraisers and fun things to do. I know that I am an idealist in all that I do, and so I shouldn’t have been surprised when my ideas fell facedown when I announced them to the group.  Sometimes I ask myself, why can’t you get people motivated for the 30 Hour Famine? How come I’m friends with the majority of the kids in youth group, but they won’t get together and work on events?
      I personally felt negative vibes, especially from a girl who I should have expected it from. She is a leader too and we have had conflicts along these last two hard years.  She is very influential and can really initiate events and get things rolling. While she can really get people onboard, she’s not the best at communicating and is often purposely insensitive to people’s feelings or opinions in order to get things done. She also seeks approval from others. I realize we are different, but both of us have the common foundation as Jesus as our Lord and Savior and both of us can be used by God to do his will.
       Despite my feelings, I understand  that to be a successful leader.I have to be ready to let go of past disagreements and be ready to work with broken people. And above all, I must do it with an obedient heart that serves the Lord. We’ll have to work together to make the event a success. A leader is someone who fears God and knows how to connect to the people he or she serves, just as Jesus told his disciples. I think—I know—that young people like us can do this too.

What Type of Leader Are You?

· D leader is Dominant
·  I  leader is Influential
·  S leader is Skilled
·  C leader is Careful

Earlier this year in Sunday School, my pastor—who is also

my youth pastor—gave us a thick book on Personality and

Ministry. He started us on an exploration of how our

spiritual gifts can further different ministries for the Lord.

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