
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mother 1, Sock Monster 0

April 12, 2012


 Have you ever just finished doing your laundry only to find that somehow the kids’ socks have been swallowed up into nowhere?  You search the dryer and retrace your footsteps back to the washer and…nothing!  I have found myself on my knees searching high and low for missing matches.  I have been so desperate, that on occasion, I have tried to make a match out of two stray socks justifying to myself that they really do belong together. Well, it must be the Sock Monster that swoops in on unsuspecting Moms in the hopes of tormenting them and have mismatched little feet everywhere.  Because of the Sock Monster I have made numerous trips to Walmart replacing pair and pairs of socks.  This got old fast for me and soon stopped being cute after my second or third trip.  After I began examining how much I was spending on gas and socks, it became my personal mission to defeat that ugly monster! Maybe you haven’t experienced this crime, but be prepared.  This may happen to you too one day.


On complaining to a close friend of mine, she shared the well-known trick on placing socks in a lingerie mesh bag before washing so that they get clean and are secured in one place.  Most, importantly, they can be found at most Dollar stores.  Now, you know I had to over think and over complicate matters.  First, I was challenged by where to place this bag of dirty socks during the week as socks accumulate. You see, I thought it was too much effort on my part to sort through a week’s worth of laundry separating and bagging the socks before I actually do laundry.  Secondly, my idea of securing the dirty socks as I go sounded good, but where would I put it?  I did not want to put the mesh bag in a drawer with other clean items.  Also, I certainly did not want to rearrange all my drawers so that I could have a separate drawer just for dirty socks and this bag. Most importantly, I did not want to have to walk over to the hamper and zip dirty socks in bag as I dump soiled clothes.  What is a Mom to do? So I took matters into my own hands and changed that drab little white bag into a Nursery show piece.  All it took was a few bucks and a bit of creativity.

     Ultimately, I went to the local discount fabric store and bought a spool of pretty pink ribbon for little over a dollar and two little pink decorative accents.  I adjusted the ribbon to my ideal length, sewed one end of the ribbon to the mesh laundry bag and the other end to the other side of the bag.  To make it look cute, I then sewed on the embellishments to the end of each of the ribbons.  It literally took about 10 minutes.  I promise.  So now, I hang my new sock bag on an area of the changing station, so that now as I change the baby, the socks are stylishly secured and safe to make it through the laundry for another day of play!  The beauty about this is that you can hang it anywhere.  For Moms with older children, just hang it next to the laundry basket.  For the Moms with teenagers, maybe teens will be kind enough to dump their socks in a separate pile next to their pile of clothes of clothes on the floor so that it will be easier to collect and to place in bag later on.  They do make mess bags in all shapes and sizes! You could even swap ribbon out for any material of choice that would suit the room or the child.  So, there you have my tip, my Mom shortcut. With this tool, moms everywhere will be defeating that ugly, nasty, Sock Monster and sending it back to wherever it came from in the first place.

Disclaimer:  I already know the term Sock Monster is not biblical


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